Raid Bulles: (re)discover the Aube on an unusual Gravel course


Are you interested in cycling tourism? Travelling differently, visiting a region at your own pace, on your bike, with the wind in your hair and the sun caressing your face… We can already see ourselves there !
In response to this ever-growing demand, we came up with the concept of a unique tour through the Champagne region. Raid Bulles course Gravel. What does it involve? What are its interests? All the practical information is right here !

Raid Bulles parcours Gravel: an original concept

It’s a funny name, but the concept is still a bit vague: what exactly is the Raid Bulles ?

The initiative comes from the Côte des Bar, Pays d’Othe and Armance Tourist Offices and Troyes La Champagne Tourisme. Noting an increased number of requests related to the outdoor activities, they decided to join forces to create and offer a Gravel trail of almost 375 km through their landscapes !

The idea ? Set off to (re)discover your region, travel in a different way, take your time, respect nature and, above all, exercise ! From the plains of Troyes to the forests and valleys of the Pays d’Othe and Armance, via the vineyards of the On the Côte des Bar, the Raid Bulles and its Gravel course are the perfect opportunity to (re)discover Champagne !

Carte Komoot

An escape from the Champagne region with Raid Bulles parcours Gravel

Get on your Gravel and get ready for a 300km ride. At your own pace, you’ll ride along white roads or forest tracks and follow a unique circuit that a passionate team has designed for you. You’ll see our rich heritage flash before your eyes: an exceptional natural setting, an array of colours, picturesque little villages, historic nuggets, meetings with producers and craftsmen… This Gravel route will take you further than you can imagine !

Enjoy a carefree getaway, let yourself be guided by your desires, with both hands firmly gripped on the handlebars of your Gravel bike… That’s what Raid Bulles offers you: a different route, in total harmony with the land and nature !


Raid Bulles: a Gravel course packed with local encounters

On the Troyes La Champagne route, there is a rich and varied offering: almost 20 cycle tours are available, allowing you to take full advantage of these precious moments of breathing space and communion with nature.. 5 of these circuits are on the Raid Bulles parcours Gravel. Pedal your way through the region’s environmental and cultural heritage and enjoy the benefits of cycle tourism !

The Pays d’Othe et d’Armance, situated between Champagne and Burgundy, offers a rich and accessible natural environment: forests, valleys, hillsides irrigated by various streams and ponds… The beauty and diversity of the landscapes make this an ideal area in which to explore.. On your way to the Raid Bulles parcours Gravel, push open the doors of the workshops of passionate and exciting craftsmen and women and sample their local specialities, such as the famous Chaource cheese !

Finally, your cycling tour through the heart of the flamboyant Côte des Bar will allow you to make a sparkling stopover in its meet the winemakers. Champagne, coteau champenois, Rosé des Riceys… you’ll be able to taste these different nectars, real regional treasures that are the pride of our region !

Vélo en Champagne - crédit Pierre Pauquay
vélo ellipse troyes

A detailed map for a skid-free Gravel route

Along the way, you’ll enjoy the legendary hospitality and care of our service providers: accommodation, restaurants, craftsmen, points of interest, etc. All the services available in the vicinity of the Raid Bulles parcours Gravel are listed on this map. (designed with love, once again) to give you peace of mind as you embark on this cycle tour. You can also view the route here.

You’ll also find details of the 300km Raid Bulles circuit and independent Gravel courses. Emergency contacts, regional products not to be missed, level of difficulty of each route… This map is a real goldmine of information !


The Raid Bulles parcours Gravel is accessible to everyone (in good shape and with the right equipment) and offers a new way of visiting our imposing territory: respecting the environment and travelling in a responsible manner.listening to your body and nature. This 300 km route through the changing landscapes of the Champagne region will enchant you. Enjoy your trip !

Clara Ferrand - Parcours VTT Raid Bulles

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