La Vallée des Viennes

This greenway links the Robert Galley roundabout to the Rivière de Corps and passes through allotments. This 3.5 km route is intended to be a shared space where pedestrians and cyclists can come and go safely.



La Vallée des Viennes
Rond-Point Robert Galley
10000 TROYES

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It is a marshy area drained by canalised streams and open pits. The presence of the 6.5 ha Ile Germaine wood reinforces the interest of this environment due to the richness of its fauna and flora.

110 plant species have been inventoried, some of which are protected. 30 species of mammals, 67 species of birds including the grey crane, the white knot, the kingfisher and the woodpecker. Reptiles, amphibians, fish, molluscs and insects complete the richness of this fauna. Numerous plots of land dedicated to allotments are located alongside this privileged environment. The development of the Voie Verte des Viennes gives many walkers the opportunity to enjoy this ecological heritage.

Last updated on 20/06/2023 - Troyes La Champagne Tourisme

What to do around "La Vallée des Viennes" ?




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